Immersive Simulation and Eye-tracking

Project Context & Goal:

The problem of the safety of vulnerable users on urban road networks arises in a comparable way on both sides of the French/Belgian border in a densely populated area (1762 hab/km² in Mons and 2410 hab/km² in Douai) with many foreign users (cross-border workers, tourists, etc.). The urban tissues are close but nevertheless have some particularity that may surprise and therefore present dangers that only a joint study can reveal.

Project partners Round-abouts scanned in Mons (BE) and Douai (FR).

Realistic immersive simulations are a suitable solution to the problem. They enable volunteers to be placed safely in “dangerous” situations and to objectively measure their visual attention in a set of characteristic situations that are representative of the infrastructures present on either side of the border. The hypothesis of the project is that the analysis of attention allows recommendations for mobility managers in cross-border cities. This project aims in providing a proof of concept (POC) of a full pipeline from 3D data acquisition to eye-tracking data acquisition.

Project Actions :

Project partners Transimmersium three research actions to achieve the goal.

In this context, the micro-project (3 months) has three main actions :

  • 3D Data acquisition of one round-about in Mons and one in Douai thanks to a 3D scanner
  • VR Model & Simulation in Unnity for the two roundabouts with car mouvements, different weather, visibility and medical conditions
  • Eye-tracking data acquisition based on an embedded eye-tracker in VR headsets of a user making the tour of the round-about

Project partners Transimmersium micro-project is funded by Interreg France, Wallonie, Vlaanderen.

Final meeting
February 22, 2021

22 February 2021 in Douai, France

Kickoff meeting
November 21, 2019

21 November 2019 in Mons, Belgium