ποΈπ¦ VSenseBox#
VSenseBox is a small all-in-one Python toolbox filled with many vision/visual sensing modules such as object detectors and object trackers, etc. These modules are well integrated together and can be easily selected and configurated with minimal coding.
Integrate with popular object detectors including YOLO v3, v4, v5, v8, v9, v10, v11 and more.
Integrate with bbox trackers including Centroid, SORT, DeepSORT, and more TBA.
Support Python 3.9-3.12 on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Support YAML config file for each individual module.
Integrate with PyQt GUI for easy config.
Structure of VSenseBox
vsensebox ............................ Root
ββββconfig ........................... Internal config directory
β β __init__.py
β ββββdetectors .................... Internal config directory for all detectors
β β *.yaml ................... Internal config files of supported detectors
β ββββtrackers ..................... Internal config directory for all trackers
β β *.yaml ................... Internal config file for supported trackers
β ββββstrings
β strings.yaml ............. Internal config file for unified strings
ββββdata ............................. Internal data directory, vsensebox-data module
β ββββdatasets ..................... Directory for supported datasets
β ββββdetectors .................... Directory for detectors' models/weights
β ββββtrackers ..................... Directory for trackers' models/weights
β ββββlogs ......................... Directory for logs
ββββgui .............................. GUI module
ββββmodules .......................... All supported modules
β β __init__.py
β ββββdetectors .................... All supported detectors
β β __init__.py
β ββββtrackers ..................... All supported trackers
β __init__.py
ββββvsense ........................... VSense
β __init__.py
ββββutils ............................ Utilities including visualization, etc.